Notice is hereby given of the 113th Annual General Meeting of the Bentleigh Cricket Club which will be held on Monday August 15th, 2022 at 7:00pm.
As a committee we feel that the best way to hold this meeting is again online via the Zoom platform. A link to the meeting will be sent to those who have responded with their RSVP.
This year there are a number of important Constitutional Changes being proposed by the Committee. Most changes are around wording so as to make the club more inclusive of all, whilst there are a few names to be added to awards. Proposed amendments can be downloaded using the link at the end of this notice.
Proxy voting forms for the changes to the constitution are also available below.
All Executive and General Committee positions will be vacant, and nominations are sought. If you would like to nominate for an Executive or General Committee position, please do so in writing to me by return email.
If you are unsure as to what a position may entail, I am more than happy to provide you with some information.
Alternatively, apologies can also be made to me in writing via return email.
An agenda for the meeting will be made available closer to the meeting date. For those wishing to attend please email the secretary on secretary@bentleighcc.com.au so that a suitable link can be sent to you for the evening.
Many thanks,

Club Secretary, Jason Abraham
Bentleigh Cricket Club